Kesäkuussa sain aikaiseksi vieläkin alemman postausmäärän per kuukausi (8). Kuukausi lähti käyntiin melko kohtuullisesti, mutta kotikotona lomailu ei jättänyt aikaa avata edes konetta, saati sitten postailla. Tuollainen rentoutuminen oli kyllä ehdottomasti tarpeen, aikaa tuli vietettyä ulkona viltillä tai laiturilla makoillen, lenkkeillen tai Netflixiä tuijottaen. Nyt on sitten aika palata opiskeluiden pariin.
Viime kuun aikana sain vihdoin vähän päivitettyä kynsilakkavarastoa uusilla tulokkailla. Muuton jäljiltä esim. Helmerini China Glaze -laatikko on EDELLEEN täysi sotku ja aikaa uusiin kokoelmiin tutustumiseen ei ole vaan ollut. Toivon mukaan syksyn hiipiessä alkaisi sitä aikaa löytyä taas tuohonkin toimintaan, vaikka henkilökohtainen talous kyllä kiittää tästä kiireestä myös!
Kesäkuussa ehdin julkaista ainoastaan neljät kynnet ja pyöriä vielä hieman The Finnish(able) Nail Art Challengen tunnelmissa. Suosikkikynnet löytyivätkin Nightwishin keikkaa varten tehdyistä kynsistä. Heinäkuussa olisi muuten edessä taas se seuraava keikka, toivottavasti sinnekin ehdin askarrella yhtä kivat kynnet. Kuukauden kynsilakkavalinta taas oli ensimmäistä kertaa testissä varpaankynsillä eli hyvää kuvaa ei itsellä vielä ole blogissa lakasta jakaa. Siksipä isken ruutuun Instagramistani (@nerdicnails) tutun otoksen. Cadillacquerin The Night Is Dark And Full Of Terrors on kyllä nimeltään ja ulkonäöltään yksi komeimpia lakkoja.
Kuukauden kootut
Löytö: Varpaankynsien kesätyylit
Ostos: Hypnotic Polishin tilaus
Kynsilakka: Cadillacquer - The Night Is Dark And Full Of Terrors
Lakkaus: Nightwish
On June I got only eight post published, that's the lowest number in this blog so far. Month started off quite well, but spending time at my childhood home didn't leave me time to open my computer or to post. That kind of relaxing was exactly what I needed, I spent time outside lying on the blanket or on the dock of our cottage, walking around our town or watching Netflix. Now it's time to get back to studying.
During last month I finally got some update to my nail polish stash. My Helmer's China Glaze -box is STILL a mess after the move and I just haven't had the time to get to know new collections. I just wish that when fall comes around I will have more time for that too. Even though my personal finances are really thankful for this situation!
On June I only managed to publish four set of nails and was still a little hang up on The Finnish(able) Nail Art Challenge. My favorite nails for June came from the Nightwish concert. The next concert is in fact this month, I just hope I can get something equally nice done for my nails. My choice for the nail polish of the month was tested for the first time on my toenails. That's why I don't have a great picture to show you guys, so I'll just add here a picture I have already posted on my Instagram (@nerdicnails). Cadillacquer's The Night Is Dark And Full Of Terrors is really gorgeus polish by it's name and color.
During last month I finally got some update to my nail polish stash. My Helmer's China Glaze -box is STILL a mess after the move and I just haven't had the time to get to know new collections. I just wish that when fall comes around I will have more time for that too. Even though my personal finances are really thankful for this situation!
On June I only managed to publish four set of nails and was still a little hang up on The Finnish(able) Nail Art Challenge. My favorite nails for June came from the Nightwish concert. The next concert is in fact this month, I just hope I can get something equally nice done for my nails. My choice for the nail polish of the month was tested for the first time on my toenails. That's why I don't have a great picture to show you guys, so I'll just add here a picture I have already posted on my Instagram (@nerdicnails). Cadillacquer's The Night Is Dark And Full Of Terrors is really gorgeus polish by it's name and color.
This Month
Find: Summer nail art for toenails
Buy: the order to Hypnotic Polish
Nail Polish: Cadillacquer - The Night Is Dark And Full Of Terrors
Nail Art: Nightwish
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