Kristen Bell & Santino Fontana - Love Is An Open Door
Näistä kynsistä tulee mieleen yksi asia: astiat. Oma astiamaku ei kuitenkaan sijoitu ollenkaan näiden kynsien tyyliselle alueelle vaan vähän yksinkertaisempaan. Keittiöstä löytyy niin muumimukeja, mustavalkoisia teemukeja sekä Iittalan valkoista Taika -sarjaa. Tällä hetkellä suurimmat artikkelit astiatoivelistallani ovat Taika -sarjaa mustavalkoisena sekä saman merkin Essence -viinilasit, joita juuri ystävälläni ihastelin. Noin 18 vuotiaana keräsin Iittalan Runo -sarjan lautasia, mutta nyt innostus niitä kohtaan on laantunut. Viisi lautasta ehdin silti hyllyyn hankkia. Suosin siis omissa astioissa jossain määrin modernimpaa otetta kuin esimerkiksi näiden kynsien tyylisistä astioista löytyisi. Yllättäen myös yksinkertaiset värit ja linjat astioissani ovat tärkeitä asioita. Tietysti hyllyiltä löytyy täysin yhteensopimattomia mukeja joilla yleensä onkin taustalla jokin tarina. Sellanen astiaihminen olen minä.
Nämä kynnet ovat suora jatkumo toiselle lakkaukselle, jossa samoja LadyQueenilta saatuja water decalseja oli käytetty aksenttikynsissä. Päivän verran kynsiä katseltuani ajattelin vaihtaa muiden kynsien tilalle samat decalit. Water decalit olivat laadukkaita tapauksia. Vaikka kokoa niillä oli kyllä todellakin riittävästi, oli niiden muotoilu ja ylimääräisen decalin poistaminen helppoa. Decalit myös asettuivat kynsille todella kauniisti ja sulavasti. Vähän aluksi pelotti se, että kuinka hyvin värit pääsisivät oikeuksiinsa, mutta pelko osoittautui jo ensimmäisen kynnen kohdalla turhaksi. Lakkasin pohjalle vain Gina Tricotin White -lakkaa kaksi kerrosta ja sen kuivuttua siirsin water decalit päälle. Ainut näiden decaleiden erityispiirre tuntui olevan se, että niitä kannatti pitää vedessä melko pitkän aikaa, jotta decalin sai taustasta irti sujuvasti. Yhdestä arkista riitti decalit yhteen lakkaukseen, joten tulipahan ainakin käytettyä yksi arkki pois!
Viihdyin näissä kynsissä useamman päivän, mutta täysin omaa itseäni ne eivät silti olleet. Vaikka kuvio on siisti eikä siitä turhan montaa väriä löydy, olivat kynnet silti turhan levottomat omaan makuuni. Koska yhdetkään kynnet eivät keskenään olleet täysin identtiset, eivät ne oikein rauhoittuneet tarpeeksi omaan silmääni. Todella harvoin, jos koskaan, on itse tullut tehtyä kynnet joissa jokainen on peitetty koko kynnen decalilla.
Mitä mieltä olette näistä decaleista? Kauniit vai levottomat?
Gina Tricot - White
These nails make me think of one thing: dishes. My taste with dishes doesn't however include this type of plates - I like more simple style. I have the Moomins -mugs, black and white tea mugs and Iittala's Taika (white) mugs in my kitchen cabinets. At this moment the dishes I want the most are Taika series in black and white and the same brand's (Iittala) Essence -wineglasses that I just admired in my friend's hands. When I was about 18 years old, I collected Iittala's Runo -plates, but now my interest towards them has lowered. I still managed to buy five of them at the time. I favor more modern style in my own dishes than for example in plates that would be inspired by these water decals. Surprisingly I also like black and white and simple lines. Of course I also have dishes that doesn't fit in this category, but they usually have some kind of a story behind them. That's how I am with dishes.
These nails are a part two for another set of nail art in which I used the same water decals gotten from LadyQueen, but for accent nails. After a day with those older nails I decided to change all the nails to match the accent ones. These water decals were really good in quality. Even though they were big, it was easy to put them on nails and get rid of the extra decal. They also fit on nails very smoothly and beautifully. I was first afraid of how the colors would show, but that fear turned out to be unnecessary when I was doing the first nail. I only used Gina Tricot's White on the bottom (two layers) and when it had dried enough, I added the decals. The only "special feature" in these water decals seemed to be that they needed some extra time on water so that they were easy to separate from their background. One set of decals had enough for one set of nails, so at least I got one set of decals used!
I spend many days in these nails, but they still weren't exactly my style. Even though the pattern is stylish and doesn't have too many colors in it, these nails still were too restless for me. Since none of the nails were exactly the same, they weren't calm enough for my eyes. Very rarely, if ever, have I made nails that have water decals for the whole nail in every nail. What do you think about these decals? Beautiful or restless?
These nails are a part two for another set of nail art in which I used the same water decals gotten from LadyQueen, but for accent nails. After a day with those older nails I decided to change all the nails to match the accent ones. These water decals were really good in quality. Even though they were big, it was easy to put them on nails and get rid of the extra decal. They also fit on nails very smoothly and beautifully. I was first afraid of how the colors would show, but that fear turned out to be unnecessary when I was doing the first nail. I only used Gina Tricot's White on the bottom (two layers) and when it had dried enough, I added the decals. The only "special feature" in these water decals seemed to be that they needed some extra time on water so that they were easy to separate from their background. One set of decals had enough for one set of nails, so at least I got one set of decals used!
I spend many days in these nails, but they still weren't exactly my style. Even though the pattern is stylish and doesn't have too many colors in it, these nails still were too restless for me. Since none of the nails were exactly the same, they weren't calm enough for my eyes. Very rarely, if ever, have I made nails that have water decals for the whole nail in every nail. What do you think about these decals? Beautiful or restless?
* Gotten for review.
Kyllä nämä ovat kauniit. :)
VastaaPoistaKiva kuulla, komeat ovat decalit :)
PoistaKauniit on.
VastaaPoistaKiitos! :)
VastaaPoistaKiitoksia! :)
PoistaOi, miten kauniit!
VastaaPoistaKiitos paljon! :)