Ajattelin, että voisi olla taas paikallaan käydä läpi kesän aikana tehtyjä ostoksia. Niitä ei kyllä todellakaan paljoa ole, kesän aikana kun omat kynsihommat tosiaan vähän lomailivat. Pt. 3 on kuitenkin jo valmisteilla luonnoksissa, joten eiköhän tämä tilanen korjaannu!
Born Pretty Storelta tilasin taas uusien leimauslaattojen ilmestyessä muutaman. Pienemmissä laatoissa BP-75 ja BP-56 on itselleni kovin monikäyttöisiä kuvia, kukkia ja sulkia. Suuremmassa laatassa BPL-021 taas on paljon erikoisempia varjokuvia. Tätä laattaa ajattelin voivani hyödyntää erityisesti teemakynsissä.
Sokokselta ostin jo suht-perinteisesti alennuksista Essien, tällä kertaa Naughty Nauticalin. Harmi, että OPIn lakkoja ei ollut alennuksessa kuin vihreää, oranssia, violettia ja aluslakkoja. Muuten olisi voinut yhdellä sellaisellakin varastoja täydentää. Naughty Nautical on kuitenkin jo aikaisemmin käynyt mielessä, joten tällä kertaa se sitten kotiutui.
MiNails juhli kesällä liikkeen syntymäpäivää ja viikonlopun verran suurin osa kaupan tuotteista oli -50% tarjouksessa. Tämä tilanne oli pakko hyödyntää ja todella kohtuulliseen hintaan kotiutinkin ison kasan tarvikkeita. Dance Legendin Jack Frost on pitkään ollut jostain syystä toivelistalla, Essien All In One Base -pohjalakka ja Zoyan Arlo olivat lakkavalintani. Lisäksi tilasin water decalseja ja siirtotatuointeja. Kyllä, juurikin niitä mitkä olivat tänä kesänä kovasti pinnalla.
Essencestä puhutaan paljon, mutta vasta nyt ostin ensimmäiset tuotteeni. Kokosin pinon erilaisia tuotteita testimielessä. Kynsilakaksi ruskea, jota aina käsinmaalauksessa kaipailee (45 yummiiii!), pikakuivattava päällyslakka, valkoinen leimauslakka, nail & cuticle tattoo liner sekä Belegwenin blogissaan suosittelema sivellin kynsinauhojen siistimiseen (precise eyeliner brush).
Kynsikirppiksen huutokauppapäivänä onnistuin nappaamaan kaksi Powder Perfectin lakkaa, Maneaterin ja Exhilarationin. Kumpikin ovat ainakin jossain määrin glitterlakkoja, ai että kun niitä pääsee kynsiltä pois siivoamaan! Olivat kumpikin kuitenkin niin kauniita ja syksyisiä, etten voinut niitä ohittaakaan.
I thought that it would be a good time to go through nail art things I've bought over the summer. There really aren't many since during summer I had some nail art vacation going on. Pt. 3 is already going in my draftbox, so no worries!
Born Pretty Store. Again I ordered some plates when new stamping plates came out. In the smaller plates BP-56 and BP-75 there are some really great pictures that I have many opportunities to use: flowers and feathers. In the bigger plate, BPL-021, there's much more unique prints, shadows. I thought that I could use this polish especially when doing themed nail art.
Sokos. Quite traditionally I bought one Essie from Sokos' sales, this time Naughty Nautical. It's a shame that there weren't any other OPI shades on sale other than green, orange, purple and base coats. Otherwise I could have easily bought one of those as well. Naughty Nautical has been on my mind earlier, so this time I got to bring it home.
MiNails. MiNails celebrated shop's birthday and had -50% sale during one weekend. I just needed to take advantage of that situation and in a very decent price I got so many different things. From polishes I bought Dance Legend's Jack Frost that I have been wanting for a long time, Essie's All In One Base -base coat and Zoya's Arlo. I also ordered some water decals and tattoos. Yes, those tattoos that have been in fashion during this summer.
Essence. Essence is really talked about here in Finland right now, but just now I bought my first products. I piled different products since I wanted to test them. I bought a brown nail polish (45 yummiiii!), fast drying top coat, white stamping polish, nail & cuticle tattoo liner and a precise eyeliner brush Belegwen recommended in her blog for cleaning cuticles.
Auction. From facebook I bought two Powder Perfect polishes, Maneater and Exhilaration. Both are at least in some way glitterpolishes, oh how I'm waiting to get to clean these off from my nails! But they were both so pretty and fall-like, so I just couldn't leave them be.
Born Pretty Store. Again I ordered some plates when new stamping plates came out. In the smaller plates BP-56 and BP-75 there are some really great pictures that I have many opportunities to use: flowers and feathers. In the bigger plate, BPL-021, there's much more unique prints, shadows. I thought that I could use this polish especially when doing themed nail art.
Sokos. Quite traditionally I bought one Essie from Sokos' sales, this time Naughty Nautical. It's a shame that there weren't any other OPI shades on sale other than green, orange, purple and base coats. Otherwise I could have easily bought one of those as well. Naughty Nautical has been on my mind earlier, so this time I got to bring it home.
MiNails. MiNails celebrated shop's birthday and had -50% sale during one weekend. I just needed to take advantage of that situation and in a very decent price I got so many different things. From polishes I bought Dance Legend's Jack Frost that I have been wanting for a long time, Essie's All In One Base -base coat and Zoya's Arlo. I also ordered some water decals and tattoos. Yes, those tattoos that have been in fashion during this summer.
Essence. Essence is really talked about here in Finland right now, but just now I bought my first products. I piled different products since I wanted to test them. I bought a brown nail polish (45 yummiiii!), fast drying top coat, white stamping polish, nail & cuticle tattoo liner and a precise eyeliner brush Belegwen recommended in her blog for cleaning cuticles.
Auction. From facebook I bought two Powder Perfect polishes, Maneater and Exhilaration. Both are at least in some way glitterpolishes, oh how I'm waiting to get to clean these off from my nails! But they were both so pretty and fall-like, so I just couldn't leave them be.
Ihania pikkuruisia lakkaostoksia. :) Onko sulla muuten tossa viimeisessa kuvassa virhe? ILNP, mutta nuo taitavat olla Powder Perfectin lakkoja? :)
VastaaPoistaKiitoksia kun huomasit, korjasin virheen heti samana aamuna! On tainnut oma pää vähän käydä hitaalla :)
PoistaKivoja ostoksia!
VastaaPoistaTykkään myös! :)
PoistaOi, kaikenlaista ihanaa olet ostanut :)
VastaaPoistaJep, pitkästä aikaa tuli vähän shoppailtua kynsijuttuja :)
PoistaExhilaration oli yllättävän peittävä ja muutenkin hyväkäytöksinen muistaakseni. Kivoja ostoksia:)